About Ruth Coffin

Shortly after completing her massage training in 1996, Ruth felt called to focus her private practice on providing massage support to address potential stressful physical and emotional changes that can accompany pregnancy and birth.

Her mastery of prenatal massage was recognized when she was featured as "Washington, DC's Best Massage Therapist" in Allure magazine in 2004. She ventured to Big Sur, California for a year, immersing herself in her craft, and was deeply influenced by the rhythms of the ocean waves, gaining valuable insights as well, during her own pregnancy and birth of her son.

After moving to the Bay Area, Ruth joined Google, where she worked for 18 years on the Massage Team, serving over 15,000 clients. She was also recruited by Stanford Hospital Fertility Clinic to offer fertility support and offered hands-on coaching for couples, assisting with receptivity and connection skills.

She recently completed Certification Programs in Trauma Release and Vibrational Sound Healing and co-creates Transformational Sound Journeys for individuals and groups in the Bay Area.

Returning to her cherished beginnings, Ruth is thrilled to be a part of The Circle Family Center in Aptos, where she can offer her expertise in massage, bodywork, and the nurturing practices that surround the birthing process. She is dedicated to supporting growing families, providing them with love, empowerment, and the care they deserve. Ruth is also excited to join the team at KUA Wellness, a clinic offering:

• 13-Modern and New Treatment Rooms

• Comfortable and Tranquil waiting area

• Exclusively Massage Therapy + Bodywork

• Private and Safe Parking and Access

• Conveniently  located in downtown Los Altos

Our Mission Is Simple!

Provide a safe and nurturing space where women can receive the care and support they need during pregnancy. Ruth aims to empower women to embrace and honor the transformative journey of motherhood and provide an uplifting experience.

"My passion lies in honoring the sacred process of birth by combining massage, bodywork, energy work, and sound as a ritual and rite of passage. I celebrate and acknowledge all aspects of growth, change, and development, including the physical, emotional, and spiritual transformations that come with nurturing the creation of a new life.

During our massage sessions, a profound process of self-discovery and personal empowerment begins. We promote thriving and flourishing and connect with the highest version of who we are. By listening to our own guidance, we align with our true selves.

Throughout the prenatal massage sessions I offer, I fully honor and celebrate each pregnancy, assisting moms in preparing for and gracefully transitioning into their new identities. We embrace the changes as a sacred rite of passage into a new stage of life."